What was the cause of gaining weight and being sick when I was only vegetarian?

May 06 , 2020


What was the cause of gaining weight and being sick when I was only vegetarian?

What was the cause of gaining weight and being sick when I was only vegetarian?


We must eat plants to stay healthy. Everyone knows this common sense.

We must avoid some plants to stay healthy. You may not have this common sense.


Plants are not born to be eaten by animals. Isn't it? So plants use a variety of methods to defend themselves from eating animals. It may change color or create an unpleasant texture, or it may use hardened or pointed leaves like coconut.


Common plants we eat do not seem to have this defense. But these plants make lectins to kill animals, or at least to make them sick. Lectin is all the proteins a plant makes to protect itself.


Small animals, such as insects, die shortly after consuming a little lectin. Humans, incredibly larger than insects, do not die from eating lectins but cause all kinds of disorders. Usually, these disorders are small enough not to be felt, but they can also kill humans. You may have heard from the school that a student died of eating peanuts. The killer who murdered this student is Lectin. Peanuts are lumps of lectins that have a lot of lectins.


It is the lectin that spoils your health, hurts you, and causes you to gain weight. Plants, like all living things, live for spreading their genes. Many of the plants we eat also have lectins. So, shouldn't humans eat plants? Fortunately, humans can avoid lectins.


In the next post, we will tell you a story about plants we shouldn't eat.

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